Sam Hashemi

Sam Hashemi is the CEO of Felt, the best way to make maps on the internet. Sam was previously the CEO and co-founder of Remix, the world's most comprehensive transportation planning and scheduling software

Quotes by

Sam Hashemi

On founders being designers

“When people think of design, they think of something visual, like an iPhone or an artwork. But to me, design is much more about the decisions you make and the energy you create. Really great designers understand how humans think and feel and know how to tap into that energy. So I’m always thinking, in a conversation with a colleague or investor, in a meeting with a customer, or when writing an email, ‘How do I want the person on the other end of this communication to feel? What am I trying to convey?’ Building a company means making hundreds of decisions and having hundreds of conversations each week, so I try to “design” these moments throughout the day.” (source)

© Designer Founders, 2025

Maintained by Designer Fund

© Designer Founders, 2025

Maintained by Designer Fund

© Designer Founders, 2025

Maintained by Designer Fund